
Like a really bad joke

Yesterday was a 1-month-memorial day since the disaster of March 11th. In our region, frequent earthquakes are usual everyday things. According to the news, there have been more than 13,000 quakes after March 11th. They come in all different degrees and strengths, of course, we get agitated when earthquakes are big but frequent shakes are so normal that we don’t feel almost anything. However, yesterday was different.
The day started a fairly big quake in the early morning which we were pretty alarmed. But the day went by as usual. As the dusk started falling, when I was stuffing a coffee-flavored butter cream in the Café macarons-de-Parisian, there was a bizarre sound coming from the earth, a familiar noise foretelling for a big quake. We were suddenly alarmed because the sound was huge and horrifying. And as the alarm sound came from my cell phone notifying a huge earthquake, a sudden sweeping shake arrived. Alas! again…

We opened the door for establishing an escape route, closed the gas, and then held the micro oven in place which hit on the floor hardly last time, but miraculously was ok. Now as I’m writing this, another big quake arrived!!! We are under the immense stress, for sure.

Anyway, three of us felt and took it somberly yesterday after another huge quake. My husband who never experienced earth shaking until he arrived in Japan was totally shocked this time which is very unusual for him to act like that. He was just shaking his head and sighing so many times as if by doing so, he could have corrected the never-ending problem. As for me, I was hysterically laughing whenever something different came up.

I had to laugh in order to cope with the stressful situation. According to my brother, there was a long line of cars at the gas station again last night for those who were scared of fuel shortage.

One thing I’ve realized, after a big quake, we hardly can use any telephone; it doesn’t matter if it’s a fixed line or a cell phone. All is saturated. We were isolated in a total silence.

Our region has been facing two serious threats currently: ongoing earthquakes and rather high-dose radioactivity. I pray for the quick and complete solution for the nuclear plant in Fukushima and who knows about earthquakes??? They never seem to stop coming! At least, several times every day; sadly it’s a part of our daily life. But, we never give up! We just have to keep going. As a human being, the only thing we can achieve is to proceed forward, which I believe. Well, but if things are getting worse, we all have to run away, don’t we? LAUGH!

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